Hi Jeremiah,
Quoting Jeremiah C. Foster (2019-02-15 18:23:16)
I point this out not as a criticism of Jonas, the PureBrowser maintainer, but to highlight that we do not have a clear, distilled policy document that might mitigate some of the issues in the backlog.
One example is this issue: https://tracker.pureos.net/T699 That issue comes from a video of PureOS which makes some inaccurate claims. The video was linked in our bug tracker and I went through the video and pulled out the claims so that they can be refuted, T699 tracks one such claim of not having httpseverywhere enabled per default.
Seems you talk about https://tracker.pureos.net/T519 - and that you today filed a duplicate of https://tracker.pureos.net/T273
Having a policy for an issue like this would allow someone to quickly go to our policy, quote it in the issue tracker and/or demonstrate that in fact we do have httpseverywhere installed, and then close the bug which I feel is a positive outcome. As it stands now, we have a lot of issues that seem to attract a lot of commentary but little change is effecutated.
I am not convinced that a policy helps triage issues, but perhaps I am simply not imaginative enough and it could help if you elaborate on what you think such policy might contain?
For me the point of an issue tracker is to track the progress of the issue to the point where it is no longer an issue and it is closed. Is this a shared view from folks on this list?
As pointed out above I don't share your view for the whole paragraph - but if you refer only to the previous sentence then I agree (and wonder which other views are reasonable).
Thanks for initiating this discussion,
- Jonas