Am Mi., 3. Juli 2019 um 16:48 Uhr schrieb Chris Lamb
Chris Lamb wrote:
I'm generally not one to send "me too" or "+1" emails, but I will get over my usual reticence that here to underline that this would be great.
How can I help?
Very gentlest of reminders on this thread/question? :)
In theory you could start writing the "Mirk" Matrix bot - I have not looked into how to do that uch yet, but there are some Python modules to help with creating it. I could also add a simple project template to the Laniakea repository. All the bot will do is to subscribe to a ZeroMQ publisher socket on a Lighthouse relay and listen to the stream of events, publishing the information it find interesting to the channels it is in. The event publishing is something I am currently writing, the first step was to add a few unittests for Lighthouse last weekend - because I will not write this feature without at least a basic level of testing, now that that's possible easily in the Laniakea repo.
So, each message that any subscriber to the event stream receives will have the following format: ```json { "id": "_lk.modulename.eventname", "format": "1.0", "time": "<timestamp>", "origin": "<machine_name>", "author": "<message author>", "data": { "key1": "value1" } "signatures": { "<entity>": { "ed25519:<key_id>": "<base64_signature>" } } } ```
id: This is the type identifier of the message, also repeated in the ZeroMQ multipart message, to allow clients to efficiently subscribe to events. It follows a reverse-DNS scheme, with the "_lk" "domain" being reserved for Laniakea built-in modules. The modulename is the name of the module, the event is an event identifier. A valid ID could be for example: "_lk.synchrotron.package-synced"
format: Message format, always 1.0 until it's changed. There only for future-proofing.
time: Timestamp (will likely be ISO 8601) of when the message was emitted.
origin: Optional entry showing from which machine (hostname) the message originated.
author: Optional entry denoting a user or other entity who triggered the event emission
data: Arbitrary payload, with format matching the event id (e.g. a "_lk.synchrotron.package-synced" event will most certainly carry the information which package was synced from where to where)
signatures: ED25519 signatures of services which have seen this message and have emitted it. This will be the original sender of the event as well as a signature of the Lighthouse relay which has re-emitted the message.
The basic flow of information is source-relay-sink: laniakea-module --> lighthouse-relay ---> many message consumers
A module can also be both consumer and emitter of events. Ultimately, the goal of this is to make the archive react to changes faster and get rid of a bunch of cronjobs. The Matrix bot is more of a byproduct (and a very nice piece for testing the feature, once it's implemented).
Once the feature is finished, you'll be able to find a more sophisticated writeup of this mail in the documentation as well.
All in all, I am not sure how much people can help me with implementing this, but at least for package upload information subscribing to pureos-changes will get you the data as emails.
Cheers, Matthias