[Pureos-changes] Accepted gnome-software 3.34.0+7581+git925b915a-1pureos0 (source) into amber-phone-staging

Adrien Plazas kekun at localhost.localdomain
Thu Oct 31 03:48:06 PDT 2019

Hash: SHA256

Format: 1.8
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2019 08:15:27 +0100
Source: gnome-software
Binary: gnome-packagekit-session gnome-software gnome-software-common gnome-software-dbgsym gnome-software-dev gnome-software-doc gnome-software-plugin-flatpak gnome-software-plugin-flatpak-dbgsym
Architecture: source
Version: 3.34.0+7581+git925b915a-1pureos0
Distribution: amber-phone
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Debian GNOME Maintainers <pkg-gnome-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Changed-By: Adrien Plazas <kekun at localhost.localdomain>
 gnome-packagekit-session - Transitional package (gnome-packagekit-session -> gnome-software)
 gnome-software-common - Software Center for GNOME (common files)
 gnome-software-dev - Software Center for GNOME - development files
 gnome-software-doc - Software Center for GNOME - documentation
 gnome-software-plugin-flatpak - Flatpak support for GNOME Software
 gnome-software - Software Center for GNOME
 gnome-software (3.34.0+7581+git925b915a-1pureos0) amber-phone; urgency=medium
   [ Jeremy Bicha ]
   * New upstream release (3.31.90)
   * Drop 5 patches applied in new release
   * Build-Depend on libgoa-1.0-dev & libxmlb-dev
   * Drop obsolete Build-Depends on libsecret-1-dev
   [ Andreas Henriksson ]
   * New upstream release (3.34.0)
   * Bump build-dependencies as per meson.build
   * Update debian/changelog
   * Drop d/p/0020-details-page-Don-t-show-missing-screenshot-placehold.patch.
     Obsoleted by upstream commit abdf04b4f1e44449ea8288ac7e102c0e8cb1d533
     "Refactor screenshots and hide those unavailable when offline"
   * Massage d/p/0011-Support-snap-channels.patch to apply
   * Let quilt refresh d/p/0011-Support-snap-channels.patch
   * Let quilt refresh d/p/0021-details-Use-custom-icon-for-verified-developers.patch
   [ Adrien Plazas ]
   * meson: Add dependency on libhandy 0.0.10
   * shell: Make the search bar adaptive
   * shell: Give a title and an icon to the main stack pages
   * updates-page: Notify the stack when it needs attention
   * loading-page: Make it adaptive
   * shell: Set a minimum size
   * details-page: Make it better fit in smaller narrower windows
   * librem5: details-page: Port to phones
   * librem5: Drop the custom .needs-attention style class
   * librem5: Replace the custom stack switcher by a view switcher
   * librem5: updates-page: Drop the Checking… label from the header bar
   * librem5: installed-page: Drop the selection button
   * librem5: updates-section: Make the header vertical
   * librem5: app-row: Make vertical
   * librem5: details-page: Port to phones
   * librem5: review-row: Port it to phones
   * librem5: category-page: Port to phones
   * librem5: shell: Make the notification box vetical
   * librem5: upgrade-banner: Make it fit narrow screens
   * librem5: updates-page: Make it fit narrow screens
   * librem5: prefs-dialog: Make it adaptive
   * librem5: details-page: Drop the screenshots
   * patches: Drop the screenshots patch
   * debian: Make libhandy 0.0.10 mandatory
   * debian: Disable fwupd support
   * debian: Disable shell extensions support
   * debian: Drop the dependency on software-properties-gtk
   * meson: Add dependency on libhandy 0.0.10
   * shell: Make the search bar adaptive
   * shell: Give a title and an icon to the main stack pages
   * updates-page: Notify the stack when it needs attention
   * loading-page: Make it adaptive
   * shell: Set a minimum size
   * details-page: Make it better fit in smaller narrower windows
   * librem5: details-page: Port to phones
   * librem5: Drop the custom .needs-attention style class
   * librem5: Replace the custom stack switcher by a view switcher
   * librem5: updates-page: Drop the Checking… label from the header bar
   * librem5: installed-page: Drop the selection button
   * librem5: updates-section: Make the header vertical
   * librem5: app-row: Make vertical
   * librem5: details-page: Port to phones
   * librem5: review-row: Port it to phones
   * librem5: category-page: Port to phones
   * librem5: shell: Make the notification box vetical
   * librem5: upgrade-banner: Make it fit narrow screens
   * librem5: updates-page: Make it fit narrow screens
   * librem5: prefs-dialog: Make it adaptive
   * librem5: details-page: Drop the screenshots
   * patches: Drop the snap patch
   * meson: Add dependency on libhandy 0.0.10
   * shell: Make the search bar adaptive
   * shell: Give a title and an icon to the main stack pages
   * updates-page: Notify the stack when it needs attention
   * loading-page: Make it adaptive
   * shell: Set a minimum size
   * details-page: Make it better fit in smaller narrower windows
   * librem5: details-page: Port to phones
   * librem5: Drop the custom .needs-attention style class
   * librem5: Replace the custom stack switcher by a view switcher
   * librem5: updates-page: Drop the Checking… label from the header bar
   * librem5: installed-page: Drop the selection button
   * librem5: updates-section: Make the header vertical
   * librem5: app-row: Make vertical
   * librem5: details-page: Port to phones
   * librem5: review-row: Port it to phones
   * librem5: category-page: Port to phones
   * librem5: shell: Make the notification box vetical
   * librem5: upgrade-banner: Make it fit narrow screens
   * librem5: updates-page: Make it fit narrow screens
   * librem5: prefs-dialog: Make it adaptive
   * librem5: details-page: Drop the screenshots
   * control: Bump libxmlb to 0.1.7
   * meson: Add dependency on libhandy 0.0.10
   * shell: Make the search bar adaptive
   * shell: Give a title and an icon to the main stack pages
   * updates-page: Notify the stack when it needs attention
   * loading-page: Make it adaptive
   * shell: Set a minimum size
   * details-page: Make it better fit in smaller narrower windows
   * librem5: details-page: Port to phones
   * librem5: Drop the custom .needs-attention style class
   * librem5: Replace the custom stack switcher by a view switcher
   * librem5: updates-page: Drop the Checking… label from the header bar
   * librem5: installed-page: Drop the selection button
   * librem5: updates-section: Make the header vertical
   * librem5: app-row: Make vertical
   * librem5: details-page: Port to phones
   * librem5: review-row: Port it to phones
   * librem5: category-page: Port to phones
   * librem5: shell: Make the notification box vetical
   * librem5: upgrade-banner: Make it fit narrow screens
   * librem5: updates-page: Make it fit narrow screens
   * librem5: prefs-dialog: Make it adaptive
   * librem5: details-page: Drop the screenshots
   * librem5: update-dialog: Don't show a double back button
   * librem5: update-dialog: Reduce the default width
   * librem5: update-dialog: Don't show a double back button
   * librem5: update-dialog: Reduce the default width
   * debian: Make libhandy 0.0.10 mandatory
   * debian: Disable fwupd support
   * debian: Disable shell extensions support
   * debian: Drop the dependency on software-properties-gtk
   * debian: Drop Snap support
   [ Sam Hewitt ]
   * librem5: updates page: fix list icon
   * librem5: updates page: fix list icon
   [ Guido Günther ]
   * d/rules: Work around broken dwz in pureos amber
   * d/rules: Work around broken dwz in pureos amber
 a667e73f7e0941d9a5c4063acf03f6350acfa267 3265 gnome-software_3.34.0+7581+git925b915a-1pureos0.dsc
 97a8ccb97772cfaa5f344b8b89ec17106bc195e2 7331392 gnome-software_3.34.0+7581+git925b915a.orig.tar.gz
 08a09daad9df61b00955a933d44dd6d6920d6e49 19352 gnome-software_3.34.0+7581+git925b915a-1pureos0.debian.tar.xz
 469adc3dc18738a8efc7897bd07822f9a8dd27440affdcc8d621613ebdf02818 3265 gnome-software_3.34.0+7581+git925b915a-1pureos0.dsc
 e218650bafb20d5d6fe2f0c6fb39b6c517f91e321d5bd7c9d2632f297fbfaccd 7331392 gnome-software_3.34.0+7581+git925b915a.orig.tar.gz
 31a99f026b50d8cdfe166be5b991ac7c3f8315b560d691075f8a7e7b5e7098be 19352 gnome-software_3.34.0+7581+git925b915a-1pureos0.debian.tar.xz
 df2efef257b470a9d477a0d2ff0c2056 3265 gnome optional gnome-software_3.34.0+7581+git925b915a-1pureos0.dsc
 4beeefffd7123b913bf0d0b567f50c50 7331392 gnome optional gnome-software_3.34.0+7581+git925b915a.orig.tar.gz
 39f45026cb51c1e6daedb6f7fdc08fef 19352 gnome optional gnome-software_3.34.0+7581+git925b915a-1pureos0.debian.tar.xz



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