[Pureos-changes] Accepted gnome-software 3.36.1+8009+git91a2b525-1pureos0 (source) into amber-phone-staging

Adrien Plazas kekun at pureos
Mon Sep 28 05:03:04 PDT 2020

Hash: SHA512

Format: 1.8
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2020 13:40:47 +0200
Source: gnome-software
Architecture: source
Version: 3.36.1+8009+git91a2b525-1pureos0
Distribution: amber-phone
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Debian GNOME Maintainers <pkg-gnome-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Changed-By: Adrien Plazas <kekun at pureos>
 gnome-software (3.36.1+8009+git91a2b525-1pureos0) amber-phone; urgency=medium
   [ Adrien Plazas ]
   * meson: Add dependency on libhandy 0.0.10
   * shell: Make the search bar adaptive
   * shell: Give a title and an icon to the main stack pages
   * updates-page: Notify the stack when it needs attention
   * loading-page: Make it adaptive
   * shell: Set a minimum size
   * details-page: Make it better fit in smaller narrower windows
   * librem5: details-page: Port to phones
   * librem5: Drop the custom .needs-attention style class
   * librem5: Replace the custom stack switcher by a view switcher
   * librem5: updates-page: Drop the Checking… label from the header bar
   * librem5: installed-page: Drop the selection button
   * librem5: updates-section: Make the header vertical
   * librem5: app-row: Make vertical
   * librem5: details-page: Port to phones
   * librem5: review-row: Port it to phones
   * librem5: category-page: Port to phones
   * librem5: shell: Make the notification box vetical
   * librem5: upgrade-banner: Make it fit narrow screens
   * librem5: updates-page: Make it fit narrow screens
   * librem5: prefs-dialog: Make it adaptive
   * librem5: details-page: Drop the screenshots
   * patches: Drop the screenshots patch
   * debian: Make libhandy 0.0.10 mandatory
   * debian: Disable fwupd support
   * debian: Disable shell extensions support
   * debian: Drop the dependency on software-properties-gtk
   * meson: Add dependency on libhandy 0.0.10
   * shell: Make the search bar adaptive
   * shell: Give a title and an icon to the main stack pages
   * updates-page: Notify the stack when it needs attention
   * loading-page: Make it adaptive
   * shell: Set a minimum size
   * details-page: Make it better fit in smaller narrower windows
   * librem5: details-page: Port to phones
   * librem5: Drop the custom .needs-attention style class
   * librem5: Replace the custom stack switcher by a view switcher
   * librem5: updates-page: Drop the Checking… label from the header bar
   * librem5: installed-page: Drop the selection button
   * librem5: updates-section: Make the header vertical
   * librem5: app-row: Make vertical
   * librem5: details-page: Port to phones
   * librem5: review-row: Port it to phones
   * librem5: category-page: Port to phones
   * librem5: shell: Make the notification box vetical
   * librem5: upgrade-banner: Make it fit narrow screens
   * librem5: updates-page: Make it fit narrow screens
   * librem5: prefs-dialog: Make it adaptive
   * librem5: details-page: Drop the screenshots
   * patches: Drop the snap patch
   * meson: Add dependency on libhandy 0.0.10
   * shell: Make the search bar adaptive
   * shell: Give a title and an icon to the main stack pages
   * updates-page: Notify the stack when it needs attention
   * loading-page: Make it adaptive
   * shell: Set a minimum size
   * details-page: Make it better fit in smaller narrower windows
   * librem5: details-page: Port to phones
   * librem5: Drop the custom .needs-attention style class
   * librem5: Replace the custom stack switcher by a view switcher
   * librem5: updates-page: Drop the Checking… label from the header bar
   * librem5: installed-page: Drop the selection button
   * librem5: updates-section: Make the header vertical
   * librem5: app-row: Make vertical
   * librem5: details-page: Port to phones
   * librem5: review-row: Port it to phones
   * librem5: category-page: Port to phones
   * librem5: shell: Make the notification box vetical
   * librem5: upgrade-banner: Make it fit narrow screens
   * librem5: updates-page: Make it fit narrow screens
   * librem5: prefs-dialog: Make it adaptive
   * librem5: details-page: Drop the screenshots
   * control: Bump libxmlb to 0.1.7
   * meson: Add dependency on libhandy 0.0.10
   * shell: Make the search bar adaptive
   * shell: Give a title and an icon to the main stack pages
   * updates-page: Notify the stack when it needs attention
   * loading-page: Make it adaptive
   * shell: Set a minimum size
   * details-page: Make it better fit in smaller narrower windows
   * librem5: details-page: Port to phones
   * librem5: Drop the custom .needs-attention style class
   * librem5: Replace the custom stack switcher by a view switcher
   * librem5: updates-page: Drop the Checking… label from the header bar
   * librem5: installed-page: Drop the selection button
   * librem5: updates-section: Make the header vertical
   * librem5: app-row: Make vertical
   * librem5: details-page: Port to phones
   * librem5: review-row: Port it to phones
   * librem5: category-page: Port to phones
   * librem5: shell: Make the notification box vetical
   * librem5: upgrade-banner: Make it fit narrow screens
   * librem5: updates-page: Make it fit narrow screens
   * librem5: prefs-dialog: Make it adaptive
   * librem5: details-page: Drop the screenshots
   * librem5: update-dialog: Don't show a double back button
   * librem5: update-dialog: Reduce the default width
   * librem5: update-dialog: Don't show a double back button
   * librem5: update-dialog: Reduce the default width
   * debian: Make libhandy 0.0.10 mandatory
   * debian: Disable fwupd support
   * debian: Disable shell extensions support
   * debian: Drop the dependency on software-properties-gtk
   * debian: Drop Snap support
   * Set program name as the application ID
   * shell: Set the 'navigate' icon to the Explore page
   * debian: Update the patch to resolve a conflict
   * debian: Update the patch to resolve a conflict
   * meson: Add dependency on libhandy 1.0.0
   * shell: Make the search bar adaptive
   * shell: Give a title and an icon to the main stack pages
   * updates-page: Notify the stack when it needs attention
   * loading-page: Make it adaptive
   * shell: Set a minimum size
   * details-page: Make it better fit in smaller narrower windows
   * librem5: details-page: Port to phones
   * librem5: Drop the custom .needs-attention style class
   * librem5: Replace the custom stack switcher by a view switcher
   * librem5: updates-page: Drop the Checking… label from the header bar
   * librem5: updates-section: Make the header vertical
   * librem5: app-row: Make vertical
   * librem5: app-row: Port to phones
   * librem5: review-row: Port it to phones
   * librem5: category-page: Port to phones
   * librem5: shell: Make the notification box vetical
   * librem5: upgrade-banner: Make it fit narrow screens
   * librem5: updates-page: Make it fit narrow screens
   * librem5: prefs-dialog: Make it adaptive
   * librem5: details-page: Drop the screenshots
   * librem5: update-dialog: Don't show a double back button
   * librem5: update-dialog: Reduce the default width
   * debian: Disable malcontent
   * debian: Disable snap
   * debian: Drop the custom verified icon patch
   * debian: Add the libhandy-1 dependency
   * Add the Debian packaging CI
   * Revert "Launch software-properties-gtk in place of the sources dialog"
   * debian: Disable fwupd support
   * debian: Disable shell extensions support
   * debian: Drop the dependency on software-properties-gtk
   [ Sam Hewitt ]
   * librem5: updates page: fix list icon
   * librem5: updates page: fix list icon
   [ Guido Günther ]
   * d/rules: Work around broken dwz in pureos amber
   * d/rules: Work around broken dwz in pureos amber
 62652abc05cfa38f0ede1a27c1beb073b7b760ab 3436 gnome-software_3.36.1+8009+git91a2b525-1pureos0.dsc
 0df7bd15c5a5ebd653e0aba8c55c3d584c2271ab 9705062 gnome-software_3.36.1+8009+git91a2b525.orig.tar.gz
 c8152ab2adf4b93b273a872af33be60c55858ebd 19048 gnome-software_3.36.1+8009+git91a2b525-1pureos0.debian.tar.xz
 879c7e7a1b51c2090229ca8aa9e660b4e644ad7f 21575 gnome-software_3.36.1+8009+git91a2b525-1pureos0_arm64.buildinfo
 2a631ecbe1b85406bfd62485fcdbab25ddb9a878b3703b8ab166548f8b04f649 3436 gnome-software_3.36.1+8009+git91a2b525-1pureos0.dsc
 c01280e51ea008257efac443c317e7e151ca82df2e90783f3920bcc145c1d160 9705062 gnome-software_3.36.1+8009+git91a2b525.orig.tar.gz
 25a7af194faed05d3a4114549d0bf31d4c2926b0648313fe72f0a89cda803fa6 19048 gnome-software_3.36.1+8009+git91a2b525-1pureos0.debian.tar.xz
 82ba530c55c7e48e668d1d305f8804295270259e0030b8b8a0df84632549f851 21575 gnome-software_3.36.1+8009+git91a2b525-1pureos0_arm64.buildinfo
 c7fc753d74ce46b97a8cf3795492b51d 3436 gnome optional gnome-software_3.36.1+8009+git91a2b525-1pureos0.dsc
 9abb3414ec7d895ba502a85d4d5b3854 9705062 gnome optional gnome-software_3.36.1+8009+git91a2b525.orig.tar.gz
 9698503ce4d42dbba72ea164ec71c5ce 19048 gnome optional gnome-software_3.36.1+8009+git91a2b525-1pureos0.debian.tar.xz
 66153904bec273ebf613449049333510 21575 gnome optional gnome-software_3.36.1+8009+git91a2b525-1pureos0_arm64.buildinfo



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