[PureOS] Lollypop in byzantium has a bug that should be fixed

Andreas Ronnquist mailinglists at gusnan.se
Thu Sep 23 04:29:25 PDT 2021

Bullseye is released, and byzantium seems to get closer and
closer to being released - congratulations!

In the Lollypop package there's a bug in the package in
byzantium/bullseye which affects the adaptive mode of the application
(which is bad for the phone interface of course).

Upstream bug #2778 [1] (fixed in 1.4.19-2 in debian, in upstream in
1.4.20, while 1.4.14-1 is in byzantium/bullseye).

It's two commits upstream [2][3] merged to one patch in the debian fix

If I can, I would like to fix this in byzantium - what's the preferred
way to do this?

Cherry-picking the fix and adding to 1.4.14-1, or simply backporting
the latest (or maybe just the first one with the fix) to byzantium?

I would gladly provide an updated package.

 -- Andreas Rönnquist
mailinglists at gusnan.se
andreas at ronnquist.net

[Please don't CC me, if I mail to a mailinglist, I am subscribed to it.]

1: https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/lollypop/-/issues/2778

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