[Librem-5-dev] Maps software

rinigus rinigus.git at gmail.com
Fri Oct 19 14:10:24 PDT 2018


I have just merged my work on Pure Maps support for regular Qt Quick
Controls 2 widget into the master tree of the repository. It runs as
expected on my desktop (Qt 5.9), PureOS virtual machine (Qt 5.11), and I
would have to figure out how to distribute it.

There are few dependencies that are missing and I wonder how to approach
it. One of them, pyotherside, is available for Debian (
https://packages.debian.org/sid/main/pyotherside). How can we get it
included into PureOS?

Few others are not a part of Debian:

* Nemo DBus


Handy library for communication on DBus using QML. In Pure Maps context,
its used for map matching (snapping coordinates to roads, obtaining street
names, speed limits)

* Mapbox GL Native / Mapbox QML

Pure Maps uses unofficial bindings (https://github.com/rinigus/mapbox-gl-qml)
for Mapbox GL Native. I will have to look whether official QtLocation
Mapbox GL plugin will be sufficient (not sure its available as a part of
Debian). This is mostly app-specific, although, on Sailfish, its used by
two currently maintained apps.

* Keepalive

Assuming that L5 will be suspending itself and waking up to keep battery
for longer periods, some apps (including navigation) would need to be able
to break that cycle and keep device alive. Is the suspension policy already
known and is there a library to regulate it for L5?

In general, what's a way we are expected to release apps for L5 and for
PureOS? We don't have anything similar to Ubuntu's PPA, right?



PS: Will be traveling for about a week now, will try to keep an eye on
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