[PureOS] Updating package gnome-software

Matthias Klumpp matthias at tenstral.net
Wed Dec 8 07:31:39 PST 2021

Hi Carsten!

Am Mi., 8. Dez. 2021 um 08:57 Uhr schrieb Carsten Schoenert
<carsten.schoenert at puri.sm>:
> Hi,
> I've taken a look at gnome-software yesterday, originally because the
> Package Synchronization Issue Overview is showing a greater difference
> between the version in the archive than available in Debian
> 3.36.0-3pureos1 vs. 3.38.1-1
> https://master.pureos.net/sync/landing
> Next I was looking at source.p.s to start a deeper look, but there are
> two repositories for gnome-software!
> https://source.puri.sm/pureos/packages/gnome-software
> https://source.puri.sm/pureos/core/gnome-software

How fun! The "core" one is the original ne, I have no idea about what
the second one adds...

> But in none of both trees I can find preparations for the current
> version 3.36.0-3pureos1 in byzantium.
> The first of the two repos seems to be mostly driven by the L5
> requirements in the past, the other seems to be modified only by
> Matthias by one commit in two different branches.
> To decrease confusion I'd like to drop one of both trees or at least
> meld them together.
> This requires consensus what to do or what state to archive. So I want
> to ask how other members see the situation and which way to take.
> To me updating the first listed repo seems to cost the smallest amount
> of time given we would only need (want?) to add the PureOS delta from
> the current version 3.36.0-3pureos1 in the archive.

So, AFAIR the changes we needed for gnome-software for PureOS
(primarily some config adjustments) are actually upstream in Debian.
But since PureOS does binary syncs from Debian packages, and these
changes are applied at build-time if a PureOS build environment is
detected, we will not get these changes in PureOS unless the package
is actually rebuilt from source for PureOS. Initially I did the
regular b1 rebuild upload, but that falls flat if a new version from
Debian is synced over it.
So the "pureos1" version of gnome-software is primarily just a rebuilt
of the unchanged Debian package to pick up the modifications needed
for PureOS.
So, the delta between Debian and PureOS should be almost zero.

I do not know about the other changes though (that looks like Librem5
stuff), but that's what I know. It may make sense to move
gnome-software out of "core" - it kind of is an OS core package, but
it also is a regular app, so it may just belong into the generic
packages group (the split originally existed when we thought we would
have lots of community contributors ^^).
So, I don't really have objections to merging things.

Does that make sense to you?

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